Council considers amending Gateway TIF/TIRZ
During its regular Sep. 03, 2019 meeting, the Forney City Council met to hold public hearings, amend TIRZ #1, approve slight increase for ATMOS Gas, approve a mediation agreement: (watch official video)
- Presentation of the GFOA Budget Award
- Public Comment
- Mr. John Daniels spoke about an issue where the city let them down; he thanked them for cleaning the drains on Mesquite St., but then they started coming just once a month. He was told the city doesn't have enough manpower. He hopes the city continues to enforce the codes. He plans to visit Mr. Carson and Mayor Penn soon, off-camera.
- Approved as a single consent item:
- an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Forney and the Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS), to implement the provisions of Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 706, related to the Failure to Appear Program for municipal courts.
- acceptance of public improvements for Emerson Apartments.
- acceptance of public improvements for the Race Trac Project.
- project acceptance for the Weaver Lift Station Project.
- an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Forney and the Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS), to implement the provisions of Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 706, related to the Failure to Appear Program for municipal courts.
- Approved a Professional Services Agreement with Lee Engineering.
Mr. Johnson said he is pleased city is being more proactive regarding TIAs, should have been done long before now. Ms. Penn agreed, tried for a long time to get an engineering dept. so could do this.
- Held Public Hearings -
- 2nd public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 3.5%.
Ms. Woodham stated because property values increased, are able to reduce the rate by 4 cents.
There was no public input.
- 2nd public hearing and discuss and consider action on a proposed Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City of Forney and Kaufman County Fresh Water Supply District No. 6 and the voluntary annexation for limited purposes of collecting sales tax on a tract of land consisting of 34.263 acres, situated in the Martha Musick Survey, Abstract No. 312, Kaufman County, Texas, KCAD Property ID No. 9714.
Mr. Thatcher said this is adjacent to Vintage Meadows, part of developer agreement. There will be no services or expansion of the city. If council approves, staff will move forward.
There was no public input.
Approved entering into the agreement. Mr. Thomas said this is a sweet deal, should have more.
- an Ordinance amending Ordinance 08-1290 to approve the First Amended and Restated Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan that enlarges the TIRZ boundaries, extends the duration of the Zone and updates projects and project costs.
Mr. Thatcher said an additional item on the agenda for reimbursement agreement, this is related to the TIRZ. This enlarges the zone by 209 acres, duration extended 3 yrs, Reeder Road realignment will be a reimbursable cost, intereset rate reduced retroactively from 12% to 6%. Recently adopted the project and finance plan, this will amend it. The County is not adopting these changes. Mayor Penn stressed the rate is being reduced from 12% to 6%.
There was no public input.
Mr. Myers thanked Mr. Carson, Mr. Hawes, Petro Hunt for working out this deal.
Ordinance was approved.
- 2nd public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 3.5%.
- Vision 2025 -- Goals and Initiatives: no update.
- Approved an Ordinance approving a negotiated settlement between the ATMOS Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and ATMOS Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company's 2019 Rate Review Mechanism filing.
Mr. Thatcher said they rely on the steering committee to negotiate rates; mechanism is different than previous years - allows carrier to recover capital investments. This will have some impact on customers, minimal for residential customers.
- Approved a Resolution approving the First Amendment to Owner Reimbursement Agreement between Meadow Ridge Farm, LP, the City of Forney and Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Forney.
Mr. Carson thanked Mr. Hunt, Mr. Bain, Mr. Blackburn for willingness to be partners to develop Gateway, and restated the interest reduction from 12% to 6%. Mr. Thomas commented these funds only comes from the TIRZ, not from general fund, "is not impacting city budget in any shape or form."
- Tabled a Resolution regarding the creation of the Hall of Honor and appointing members to the Hall of Honor Committee and providing an effective date.
Mr. Thatcher stated this allows council to appoint persons to the committee. Council did not yet have a list of members to appoint.
- Held a 50-minute executive session re:
- PUC Docket No. 46662; SOAH Docket No. 473-17-4964.WS – Petition of the Cities of Garland, Mesquite, Plano and Richardson Appealing the Decision by North Texas Municipal Water District Affecting Wholesale Water Rates.
- PUC Docket No. 47814; SOAH Docket No. 476-18-1344.WS Petition High Point Water Supply Corporation, Talty Special Utility District, and Markout Water Supply Corporation Appealing the Decision by the City of Forney Affecting Wholesale Water Rates.
- Victorian Village
- Mediation Settlement Agreement between the City of Forney and Crescent Constructors, Inc. regarding the construction of Pump Station 2 Improvements and the 5 MG Ground Storage Tank.
- PUC Docket No. 46662; SOAH Docket No. 473-17-4964.WS – Petition of the Cities of Garland, Mesquite, Plano and Richardson Appealing the Decision by North Texas Municipal Water District Affecting Wholesale Water Rates.
- Approved Mediation Settlement Agreement between the City of Forney and Crescent Constructors, Inc.
- Adjourned at 2005
Tuesday, 2019, September 3