The Forney P&Z during its regular Jan. 02 meeting approved a C.U.P. for a Private Club to be downtown at 213 & 215 S. Bois D'Arc, and tabled action re Banquet Hall at 315 S. Bois D'Arc.
The Forney Independent School District has stated: "All Forney ISD schools are currently in Soft Shelter in Place due to the incident at the Kaufman County Courthouse on Thursday morning, Jan. 31. Students will attend classes as scheduled. Students will not be permitted outside and visitors will not be allowed in the building."
So the schools are not quite in lockdown mode, but close.
The Forney City Council, during its Jan. 20, 2015 meeting, held four public hearings, approving rezoning for Gateway Parks at 1641 N. of Grandview, sign changes, Brooklyn Village modifications, then approved 11 more items.