Special FEDC Feb. 26, 2015 meeting: 215 Bois D'arc and Crumbzz
During a special-called meeting on Feb. 26, 2015, the Forney EDC:
- Approved an EDC budget amendment related to finish out of property at 215 S. Bois D’Arc Street.
This was to prepare for the next item. - Approved the approval of construction contract with Craig Randall Custom Remodeling in an amount not to exceed $232,811.00 for partial finish out of 215 S. Bois D’Arc Street.
Mr. Ketteman explained this was to bring the space up to what is considered a white-box finish-out, and will require more steel in the footings, the brick pillars between the formerly-separate spaces have to be rebuilt, improvements to the water & sewer plus adding a grease-trap, and is below the $235,000 stated at the public hearing. - Approved additions/corrections to Article V & VIII related to insurance in regard to Construction Contract for 106 East Main Street.
Mr. Ketteman gave a lengthy list of items that were in the contract as boiler-plate language, that are not necessary for this job. Mr. McBeth agreed, and noted that these provisions would have cost the contractor extra fees, which would have been passed on to the city. - Discussed methods for advertising and marketing of FEDC owned buildings in Downtown Forney.
Mr. Ketteman said the previous applicant, Mr. Gamrod, is still interested, and several inquiries have been made concerning available downtown space. Mr. Alexander asked if applicants were all local people, Mr. Ketteman said currently they are, but the city would consider inquiries from any area. Mr. Scott pointed out if realtors became involved, there would be fees. - Public Communication - no one from the public spoke.
- Held a 40-minute executive session.
- Approved proceeding with negotiating the Lease Agreement with Techmar Group at 212 S. Bois D’Arc Street.
This would extend the lease for Crumbzz for five (5) years.