City Council approves Racetrac, subdivs, appoints folks to new board
During its regular Apr. 18, 2017 meeting, the Forney City Council met and (this is the preliminary report, subject to change):
- Approved as consent items, in a single motion:
- a residential subdivision preliminary plat for Mustang Place, Phase II, located west of Trailhouse Lane and the Mustang Place, Phase I, subdivision. (this is past the end of Lonesome Dove, behind the Mustang Creek Business Park on N. Hwy 80 frontage rd)
- a residential subdivision final plat for Mustang Place, Phase II, located west of Trailhouse Lane and the Mustang Place, Phase I, subdivision.
- revised elevation plans for the Cedars at Gateway Phase III, Gateway Pines, located east of F.M. 548 and south of N. Gateway Boulevard.
- a site plan for Bush’s Chicken, located south of F.M. 741 and east of S. F.M. 548. (this will be "south" of the new animal hospital)
- a preliminary plat for RaceTrac Market Addition Lot 1, Block 1, located northeast of the S. F.M. 548 and F.M.1641 intersection.
- a final plat for RaceTrac Market Addition Lot 1, Block 1, located northeast of the S. F.M. 548 and F.M.1641 intersection. (this will become the fourth leg of the 548/1641 intersection)
- a residential subdivision preliminary plat for Mustang Place, Phase II, located west of Trailhouse Lane and the Mustang Place, Phase I, subdivision. (this is past the end of Lonesome Dove, behind the Mustang Creek Business Park on N. Hwy 80 frontage rd)
- Approved as consent items, in a single motion, after Mayor Wilson left the room:
- a revised site plan for Forney Public Storage, located at the northwest corner of E. Broad Street and Regal Drive.
- a preliminary plat for Christian Brothers Addition, Lot 1, Block A, located south of U.S. Highway 80 and east of Regal Drive. (this is the lot across from Jack in the Box)
- a final plat for Christian Brothers Addition, Lot 1, Block A, located south of U.S. Highway 80 and east of Regal Drive.
- a site plan for Christian Brothers Automotive, located south of U.S. Highway 80 and east of Regal Drive.
- a revised site plan for Forney Public Storage, located at the northwest corner of E. Broad Street and Regal Drive.
- Held Public Hearings -
- Approved an Ordinance amending the Fox Hollow Planned Development, Ordinance No. 1055, by amending the Planned Development Conditions and the Concept Plan. The requested amendment includes eliminating restrictions on front-facing garage openings and amending the minimum residential lot size from 8,400 square feet to 9,000 square feet.
Mr. Morgan briefed the council about the increase in size, and the request to change the current requirement about front-facing garages. Phases 2 & 5 do not have that restriction.
Mr. Regan asked for clarification about the garages. Mayor Wilson verified no setbacks had changed.
There was no public input.
- Approved an Ordinance amending the Fox Hollow South (Villages of Fox Hollow) Planned Development, Ordinance No. 1114, amended by Ordinance No. 1126, by amending the Planned Development Conditions and the Concept Plan to allow for the development of a Church.
Mr. Morgan explained this requires 2 requests, as the concept plan showed residential in this area. PD changes allow the planned 30k ft building to expand to 50k.
Mr. Regan asked about plans for part of the property; Mr. Morgan said will remain vacant. Mayor Wilson asked about the driveway distance from the red light - about 100 ft.
- Approved an Ordinance for a Conditional Use Permit for a Child Care Center to operate at Block A, Lot 3, of the Ridgecrest Center Addition, located southwest of the F.M. 548 and Ridgecrest Road intersection.
Mr. Morgan explained is behind Aldis, request is for 2 buildings. The school will hold 150 students. Retail building will be 6k ft, allowed uses are neighborhood services, but P&Z had issues with uses, developer has signed an MOU. Originally planned to use stucco, but bc is CUP, P&Z stipulated masonry requirement (of 90%) be met. The new plan shows stone.
Ms. Penn asked about building placement, and parking and playground layout. Mr. Morgan said they have more stacking spaces than any other day care in Forney.
There was no public input.
- Approved, with discussed changes, an Ordinance for a Conditional Use Permit for the uses of Motorcycle Dealer (New/Repair), Auto Dealer, Used Auto Sales, and All Terrain Vehicle Dealer/Sales to operate at 113 E. U.S. Highway 80 and 117 E. U.S. Highway 80.
Mr. Morgan explained property is vacant, originally approved CUP and site plan in Jan, which shows substantial expansion of the building. Now requesting change to CUP to use existing building, with minor renovations and repair, possibly more in future. Stucco and metal primary materials, P&Z had concern about not having original plan, but realized the existing building could be used as is, and applicant said the Indian dealership was no longer part of the plan. P&Z approved.
There was no public input.
- Approved an Ordinance amending the Fox Hollow Planned Development, Ordinance No. 1055, by amending the Planned Development Conditions and the Concept Plan. The requested amendment includes eliminating restrictions on front-facing garage openings and amending the minimum residential lot size from 8,400 square feet to 9,000 square feet.
- Approved a revised site plan for RideNow Powersports, located at 113 E. U.S. Highway 80 and 117 E. U.S. Highway 80.
Mr. Morgan said this was same plan just discussed, P&Z added in the screening.
- Approved a site plan titled Lake Pointe Church Forney, located on the north side of F.M. 741, west of Monitor Boulevard.
Mr. Morgan said txdot requires a traffic study done before plat approved.
RP asked about making left turns into the property.
- Appointments to various boards and commissions,including Building Standards Commission, Historic Overlay District/Architectural Review Board, Park Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, North Texas Municipal Water District, and Community Improvement Committee.
Mr. Regan states he would like to make an unorthodox move by nominating Mr. Stephens for NTMWD. Mr. Stephens abstained, Ms. Powers voted against.
Then, in an apparent race against the clock, nominations came quick; in the list below, all nominations were approved except one:
Mr. Stephens move to appoint Ann Enloe to park board.
Ms. Penn moves to Dina Moon for HOZ/ARB board.
Ms. Penn moves for Carolyn Holston to P&Z, motion fails. Mr. McGee nominates Ann Lemons to P&Z, approved 5-2 (Powers & Penn against).
Ms. Powers moves to Misty Holler for CIP.
Ms. Penn nominates Marion Stuart to CIP. Ms. Penn nominates Morgan Novey to CIP, but she is not on the list. Mr. Fisher said they asked council members to nominate members, so Ms. Penn is on the right track, they won't see applications. Mr. Stephens nominates Darrell Hobbs, who doesn't know this. Mr. Fisher said he hoped council would have talked to the nominees, the committee may be meeting twice a week for a while. Mayor Wilson asked if this was appointing or just nominating. They then approved Darrell Hobbs. Mr. McGee asked how often they will meet; possibly 2x / month, usually 2 hours. A lot of projects will need to be reviewed.
Mayor Wilson nominates Rick Lemons, Ann Enloe, Bobby Fratner; Ms. Powers voted against each one.
Mr. Regan nominates Linda Gamble - Ms. Brooks said she serves on library board; Mr. Thatcher indicated that was ok, as this was an advisory board, et al.
Mr. Regan nominates Eric Paschal.
Ms. Penn nominates Megan Novey, Dina Moon.
Mr. Johnson nominates Robert Dobbs, Charles Treadway.
Ms. Penn nominates Mark Houston for building standards board.
- Approved an Ordinance amending the FY 2016-17 Budget to include additional personnel.
- City Manager’s report -
This Friday will be hosting about 100 students from Blackburn, learn about government & history, Wendle has volunteered to to it. BBQ cookoff registration is open now. RE careflite - traditionally they send out enrollment packets; Ms. Penn said she had an extensive conversation with the owner, you don't have to fill out the packet, but if the service is used, you may have to prove residency. Mr. Fisher said has a program Take Me Home on website, may expand it. Trinity 99% complete, working on signs for parking. Irish Ridge. working on Mulberry parking bushes.
Mr. Fisher trouble finding a contractor for front doors, such a small project. Wood doors be very expensive. Womens bathroom downstairs will be under construction. Mr. McGee asked if could put up barriers to prevent this happening. Mr. Fisher said don't want to detract from downtown, may not be until next budget year. Mr. Johnson asked about the power outage issue, said there is no annual report from oncor or tvec, would like to have a conversation with them, to come before council once a year. Ms. Penn said oncor used to come. Mr. Stephens talked with CYA guns, police got there fast, but the thieves were good, only in there 30 seconds. Ms. Penn asked about trinity st; it is the utility work that is 90 % complete. Ms. Penn getting called about safety concerns, Mr. Fisher said people should call him directly, can get on it quicker. Ms. Penn said monument at Mulberry is good idea, and always eagle scouts looking for projects. Mr. Fisher agreed, but would prefer them to do landscaping portion so signage is consistent. Mr. Fisher said his sons' court of honor was last , appreciates the mayor producing a proclamation. - Council Comments -
- Held a 60-minute executive session re:
- Projects “Rocky Mountain,” “Robin Hood,” “Big Deal,” “Basketball,” “Victorian,” “Business Park”
- HP Forney 548 Partners, LP
- Racetrac Development Project
- LCG Highway 80, LLC
- Deliberate the evaluation and duties of the City Manager
- took no action.
- Adjourned at 2059.
- Projects “Rocky Mountain,” “Robin Hood,” “Big Deal,” “Basketball,” “Victorian,” “Business Park”
Tuesday, 2017, April 18